Deal 25 cards in a 5x5 square. Remove adjacent pairs. Move the cards to the left and upwards to fill the holes and fill out the free spaces from the hand.
>Topic<General comments
I have seen two different versions of Monte Carlo, one with a 5x5 table and one with a 4x4 table. I prefer the 5x5 table, so that's what I use here.
Another variation is whether you must discard every pair you have, or if you can choose to leave one. In order to give more options to the player, I have chosen the latter.
25 cards are dealt to the table.
Any two adjacent cards of the same value may be discarded. You discard two cards by dragging one to the other. Two cards are adjacent if they are neighbors horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
When you click on the hand, the cards on the table are moved leftwards and upwards (just like if they had been characters in a text on several rows), and the remaining free spaces are filled from the hand.
If you can remove all cards from the table and hand, you have won the game.
You can remove all pairs, but it might sometimes pay to check if you can make some non-adjacent pairs meet by removing more or less. Of course, any time you have three cards of a kind to choose from, you should see which one is more beneficial.
The 4x4 version of this game is descibed in "Att lägga patiens", and the 5x5 version in "Lägga patiens". A computer implementation is "Monte Carlo Solitaire" by Mike and Shari Houser.
>Topic<Related games
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